Canapé Herb Cream Cheese

Canapé Herb Cream Cheese

CHF 4.80
incl. VAT 2.6%

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Cream cheese canapé sprinkled with chives.

Whether as a snack between meals, a light lunch or a small snack to accompany your evening meal, our canapés are always a good choice. Or how about a canapé as a starter for your next meal?

All canapés are purely vegetable gelled.

Single orders are packed in a box and do not include plates.

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SKU 9007692
Shipping options Delivery Switzerland, Delivery local, Pickup
Kilojoule / 100g 1301.0
Calories / 100g 311.0
Fat / 100g 22.2
hereof: saturated fatty acids 11.9
Carbohydrates / 100g 23.1
thereof sugar 3.5
Dietary fibre / 100g 0.7
Protein / 100g 4.2
Salt / 100g 1.0
Consumption recommendation Consume on the day of purchase

Kräuterfrischkäse 44% (Milch, Joghurt, Kräuter, Rapsöl, Zwiebeln, Salz, Stärke, Verdickungsmittel (Johannisbrotkernmehl), Knoblauch), Weizenmehl, Traiteurgelee Pflanzlich (Wasser, Maltodextrin, Salz, Geliermittel (Carrageen, Johannisbortkernmehl, Xanthan), Aromen natürliche, Zucker, Säuerungsmittel (Zitronensäure), Sonnenblumenöl), Weizenvorteig, Butter, Wasser, Peperoniperlen, Schnittlauch, Rapsöl, Sonnenblumenöl, Magermilchpulver, Invertzuckersirup, Hefe, Zucker, Alpensalz, Gerstenmalzmehl

Storage bei max. 5° C aufbewahren
Storage Type Fridge
Information for allergy sufferers
Gluten, wheat, barley, milk