Mini Tartufi Nero & Bianco

Mini Tartufi Nero & Bianco

CHF 14.30
incl. VAT 2.6%
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Mini Tartufi Nero & Bianco - They both melt into a tender delicacy in your mouth.

Delicious Mini Tartufi in the varieties Bianco and Nero made following an original Italian recipe. The light variety stands out due to the tender glaze of its white truffle mixture in combination with crispy hazelnuts. The dark Tartufi will equally enchant you with their acerbic chocolate truffle and roasted Piedmont hazelnuts.

Tartufi light and dark. Please choose your desired combination when ordering.

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SKU 9003722
Shipping options Post Versand, Mond-Express, Delivery Switzerland, Delivery local, Pickup
Shelf life in days 181
Gross weight 200g
Net weight, g 150
Kilojoule / 100g 2406.0
Calories / 100g 575.0
Fat / 100g 39.5
hereof: saturated fatty acids 14.0
Carbohydrates / 100g 44.0
thereof sugar 36.0
Dietary fibre / 100g 0.0
Protein / 100g 8.7
Salt / 100g 0.1
Declaration Zucker, Piemont-Haselnüsse 35%, Kakaobutter, Waffel (enthält Weizen, Gerste), Vollmilchpulver, Lactose, Emulgator (Sojalecithin), Kakaopulver, Vanille. Es kann Spuren von anderen Schalenfrüchten und Eiern enthalten. Bitte Kühl und Trocken lagern.
Vegetarian Vegetarian
Information for allergy sufferers
Gluten, Weizen, Gerste, Soja, Milch, Nüsse (Schalenfrüchte), Haselnüsse