Marathon and ultratrail-runner Matthias Bachmann knows what is important in terms of endurance performance when it comes to nutrition. In the weeks before the run, he relies on a complete diet. He has developed a marathon bread especially for this purpose.
UTMB 170 km
A marathon runner's body needs energy to be strong and powerful. Energy is absorbed by the body particularly in form of carbohydrates and bread is an important source thereof.
A rich bread for endurance sports
The official Lucerne marathon bread is not just any bread, but a very special Pain Paillasse rustic. Pain Paillasse rustic is a flavourful whole-grain bread. It is airy and slightly moist because as a licensee of Paillasse Marketing AG, Confiseur Bachmann uses a special flour and lets the dough rise for a long time with little yeast and at low temperatures. The bread is easily digestible because the yeast's fermentation process has completely finished. What makes the bread special are the added dry fruits which are a rich source of vitamins and mineral nutrients. These are very important nutritional elements for a marathon runner. The marathon bread is part of Matthias Bachmann's nutrition plan, who runs 3-4 marathons a year.
available in all bachmann bakeries
The baked Powerbrotli is available all year round at all 20 Bachmann specialist shops under the name Pausenbrötli. The net weight is 110g and contains 100g:
Calories 293, fat 7.5g, carbohydrates 43, protein 11, It is lactose-free and contains the following ingredients:
wheat flour, water, hazelnuts, dried apricots, sultanas, wheat malt flakes, oat flakes, sea salt, sunflower seeds, linseeds, rye flour, roasted barley malt flour, yeast